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Patented Bull H2O Surflo Control System

Patented Bull H2O Surflo Control System


Clean water for use in our homes may well be our most critical resource, especially during an emergency event when our culinary water becomes contaminated or unavailable. The Bull Integrated Water System is the leading water storage solution on the market today.


Our patented Bull System gives you peace of mind by making your stored water available through the plumbing system in your home to deliver clean and safe drinking water to every location in your home, including faucets, showers, toilets, dishwashers, washing machines, etc.


The Bull DIY Kit comes with the below components:


We integrate our system with heavy duty, FDA approved water storage tanks that range in size from 100 Gallons to 250 Gallons.   We can also daisy chain multiple tanks to provide you with 500, 750, or even 1000 gallons of clean drinking water, fully integrated with the plumbing in your home.

What’s included in my Bull H2O Control Box:

  • Heavy Duty Water Pump that pumps watter through your entire home at 55 PSI. 
  • AC/DC Power Converter to power the Water Pump
  • Sealed Lead Acid Reachargable Battery (Maintenance Free) – This battery will power your system long enough to empty your tank(s) if you loose power to your home.
  • High Quality Pex piping and fittings configured to fill water tanks and pump water to the plumbing lines throughout your home.
  • 2 Power Switches (1 to Power the Pump using the AC Power in your home, the other to power the pump using the Battery back up.
  • Step by Step instructions to walk the homeowner through the process to use the system.
  • Three Year Limited Warranty -

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